International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development

Student Life

Summer School Partners

As a ILGSPD student, you can diversify and strengthen your knowledge and experience by selecting from two non-credit bearing summer school options:

LMU’s Advanced Course in International Law is a highly reputable summer school that offers seminars on advanced issues of international law, focusing on a specific theme each year and allowing students to enhance their specialised expertise.

The Summer Course on Refugees and Forced Migration is an internationally-acclaimed course for researchers, students, practitioners, service providers and policy makers working in the area of forced migration. This is a unique opportunity to study this topical and significant issue in an interdisciplinary context and along with a diverse group of participants.

The Thessaloniki Summer Courses on International Law and Human Rights are hosted by the Foundation in the historical city of Thessaloniki, consisting of lectures, workshops and seminars conducted by prestigious academics and practitioners from all over the world, aim to bridge theory with practice and to nourish interactive dialogue. They engage every summer in the in-depth examination of a specific international law and/or human rights topic that is highly significant and current.

The Summer School will focus on the Dynamic Evolution of Fundamental and Human Rights. Topics such as religious freedom, climate litigation, migration and the digital space will be explored from an interdisciplinary perspective. Once again, it will be one of the Summer School’s key characteristics that speakers will include both academics as well as practitioners, offering the unique opportunity to gain insights into current theoretical discussions as well as the everyday challenges of practicing law.


A range of further formative and extra-curricular features are embedded within this programme. These include:

  • Law clinics and moot courts (including the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Willem C. Vis Moot Court Competition, European Law Moot Court Competition, Telders International Law Moot Court Competition, Charles Rousseau Moot Court Competition, Manfred Lachs Moot Court Competition on Space Law, International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition, and the Jean-Pictet Competition in International Humanitarian Law, as well as Glasgow’s Clinic in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Practice and Radboud Rule of Law Clinic and the Future Tech Law Clinics)
  • Study trips to key international organisations and institutions, such as the International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, UN agencies and offices, and NATO
  • Opportunities to attend conferences in international law and on issues of global security, peace and development
  • Specialist guest lectures and seminars
  • Employability training
  • Research methods training
  • Language learning opportunities


Applications for ILGSPD are now open. You can apply as an Erasmus Mundus scholarship-funded student or as a self-funded student.
