International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development

Student Life

Visa Requirements

ILGSPD: General Visa Advice

If you are an international student (including EU/EEA nationals) you will be required to apply for either a Student Route Visa (valid for the full duration of the programme) or a Standard Visitor Visa (valid for only one semester) for the UK. EU nationals do not require a visa for Spain, Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands. However, non EU nationals will be required to apply for either a short stay or long stay visa for each mobility. Students may be required to register with the local Police department upon arrival so students should check requirements carefully for each of their mobility periods.

Students from outside the EU: please ensure that you research visa application requirements for all of your mobility periods and allow plenty of time to apply for each of your visas throughout the programme. Please note: The Consortium assists students with visa applications, however, it is the students’ responsibility to satisfy visa application requirements and make the required visa applications in time.  Self-funding students in particular should bear in mind any proof of sufficient finances required for each application. 

You should refer to the EU immigration portal, where visa information is displayed both for short stays and long stays. 

Also, please visit University of Glasgow International support pages .

As coordinator for seven EMJMDs, UoG administrators and their CPU counterparts have learned a great deal about how to advise students preparing visa applications. Depending on the student’s nationality a police certificate from their home country may be necessary before they depart and arrive in the UK. In terms of moving to other EU countries proof of residency in Scotland and the Netherlands may need to be applied for on arrival so that the three months’ period for processing residence permits can be completed by the time students need to depart for their next mobility period.

The details below will provide more information about the partner-specific visa arrangements. Please note these regulations can change regularly and can differ depending on individual circumstances.  Further information will be sent out prior to the start of the programme.

International students (including EU/EEA nationals ) who are coming to the UK to study a course which is longer than 6 months, must apply for a either a Student Route Visa or Standard Visitor Visa before travelling to the UK. Students must obtain Entry Clearance from their home country, or the country in which they are normally resident. The application form is completed online in all countries (except for North Korea, where you must complete the VAF 9 and Appendix 8 paper forms). 

Students who know that they will only spend the first semester at Glasgow (less than six months) may choose to apply for a standard visitor visa. If students choose a standard visitor visa, they are not allowed to work in the UK while studying, nor are they allowed to extend their visa. At the time of writing, the cost of a UK  Student Route visa is £363  and a Standard Visitor visa is £100.

After the student has submitted their application it will be considered by UK Visas & Immigration staff at the respective Visa Application Centre. Specific processing times are available from UKVI, but students will be advised to submit their applications as early as possible. On arrival at UofG, the students will need to present their passport and visa at Visa Registration, in order to demonstrate their valid immigration permission to study

International Student Support & Visas

EU citizens do not require a visa for their stay in Spain, but they are required to apply for an EU citizen’s registration certificate within the first 90 days of their stay in Barcelona. Students will find more information here.

Since the implementation of EU Directive 2016/801 and its transposition into Spanish national law, non-EU citizens can spend up to 360 days in Spain with a stay for studies authorisation, as long as they have a valid UK student residence permit covering the whole two years of the programme and their studies are covered by an EU programme that comprises mobility measures. Therefore, students would have to apply for a 2-year residence permit in the UK. IBEI would request the stay for study authorisation on behalf of the students within 30 days after their arrival to Barcelona. It will take 1-2 months for the application to be processed by the Spanish Authorities.

The following documents are required:

  • Valid passport
  • Valid 2-year UK residence permit
  • Entrance stamp/entry declaration (Spain)
  • IBEI enrolment confirmation
  • Proof of EU mobility programme
  • Economic means
    – for Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders: proof of grant
    – for fee-paying students: statement issued by Spanish bank stating the amount of €537.84x months of stay in Spain
  • Medical insurance

Once the application is approved, students will be issued with the stay for study authorisation which includes their foreigners’ identification number (NIE). The Spanish Consulate in Edinburgh can be contacted at:

E-mail:      Phone number: +44131 220 9728

All students without EU/EEA or Swiss citizenship and not holding visa of another EU member state, need a long term visa (D type visa) in order to study in Estonia. D-visa may be issued for single or multiple entries into Estonia. If you plan to travel during your study period, you should apply for the visa with multiple entries. D-visa enables to travel in the Schengen countries for up to 90 days in a six-month period. Please note that D-visa may be applied for 3 months prior to intended arrival in Estonia.

Note: Starting March 31st, 2024, Bulgaria and Romania have officially joined the Schengen Area, expanding the participating countries to 29. Leading to the implementation of Schengen rules, including visa issuance and the removal of internal air and sea border controls, in both countries, as reported by SchengenVisaInfo .

D-visa can be applied for at an Estonian embassy abroad or in Estonia, at the Police and Border Guard Board . Personal presence is required while lodging the D-visa application. Application process is the same regardless of the place of application. The visa is typically granted within working 10 days (though the maximum duration of the process by law is 30 days). More detailed information and the list of documents to be submitted is available:
Please note that the students studying in Estonia less than a year cannot apply for a temporary residence permit (TRP), thus please skip that part on the website and follow the instruction regarding D visa application process.

Non-EU/EEA citizens holding a residence permit or long-term visa issued by the immigration authorities of any EU member state can stay in Estonia up to 360 days with the existing permit/long–term visa. Thus, applying for a  D–type visa for the second member state, meaning in Estonia, will not be required for a stay up to 360 days as long as the existing permit/visa is valid at least 360 days itself.

The students entering Estonia with the residence permit/long-term visa of another EU member state must inform the Study Abroad Centre of their permit during the application process and also come to the Centre and show the original document right after arrival to Estonia. Please note that the residence permit/visa issued by one EU member state and to be used in another member state must have “student”/ “researcher” written on the document in the language of the issuing country. In some cases, an additional proof is provided by the issuing country.

In general, foreign nationals who wish to study in Germany must apply for a student visa in order to enter Germany. A tourist visa cannot be changed into a student visa.

Nationals of EU-countries, Island, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland do not need a visa.

Citizens from countries that are exempted from the EU visa regulations, such as Australia, Brasil, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Republic Korea, UK and USA, may enter Germany without a visa, but must apply for a residence permit within two weeks upon arrival. If you are self-funded, to get a visa or a residence permit in Germany, you are expected to demonstrate a proof of sufficient funds. You need to open up a blocked account: From 1 January 2023, the presumed annual requirement that must be paid into the blocked account when applying for a visa and/or residence permit amounts to 11,208 euros.

Visa applications must be made well in advance at the competent German embassy or consulate in your home or residence country. The relevant local office for foreign nationals in Germany, e.g. Lüneburg, must approve the application and the German embassy or consulate is not allowed to issue a visa prior to this approval. Therefore, it might take up to 3 months from application date to issue visa.

Foreign nationals can also obtain a visa that is valid for the entire duration of their stay in Germany. In this case, no application for an electronic title of residence (eAT) is necessary. Please contact your consulate to find out more about this option. For further and frequently updated information, please visit the websites of your competent consulate or of the Federal Foreign Office.

Students can also contact for advice on visas or in applying for the eAT. Visit here for more information on visa, health insurance, registration of residence and residence permit / electronic title of residence (eAT), or consult the following websites at: and .

Depending on the student’s nationality and length of stay, they may need a visa and/or residence permit to enter the Netherlands and study at Radboud University. Radboud University has signed an agreement with the IND, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service, and therefore the Admissions Office of Radboud University has to submit the Provisional Residence Permit (Machtiging Voorlopig Verblijf = MVV) and/or Residence Permit (Verblijfsvergunning Regulier = VVR) application on the student’s behalf.

An MVV is an entry visa or so-called Provisional Residence permit. It is a sticker which is placed in the student’s passport at the Dutch Embassy or Consulate in the student’s own country (or the country in which they legally reside). The MVV is valid for three months. Students must apply for it before arrival. The International Office will assist students with their application and file the application with the IND on their behalf.

A residence permit is a card which proves that the student is legally residing in the Netherlands. Radboud University will also assist students with the application for a residence permit before arrival. This card is provided to the student after arrival in The Netherlands. The residence permit is valid for the duration of your studies. If their stay in the Netherlands will be longer than their intended study period, they will have to obtain an extension of their residence permit.

Visa and Residence permit application

Radboud University will start the preparations for the student’s visa as soon as they have been admitted and have sent in the required application and enrolment documents. The Admissions Office will then contact the student and send them information about the application procedures for the MVV and/or VVR. Information about documents that need to be uploaded for the visa application and fees to be paid (visa and insurance) will then also be sent to the student. The deadlines for sending in enrollment documents are 1 June (September intake) and 1 December (February intake), but it is strongly recommended to hand in documents earlier.

For further information visit:

To enter Belgium, foreign students (outside the European Union) must have a visa. The visa application is made to the Belgian diplomatic or consular post of the country in which the student resides or to the municipal administration if the student resides in Belgium. The student will need the letter of admission as part of their visa application.
More information on the procedure for obtaining the visa is available on the website of the Immigration Office . 
On the student’s arrival in Belgium, the student must present her/himself to the municipal administration of the place where the student resides within 8 days of their entry into Belgium and request their registration in the register of foreigners and the issuance of a residence permit (card A).


Applications for ILGSPD are now open. You can apply as an Erasmus Mundus scholarship-funded student or as a self-funded student.
