International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development

Université libre de Bruxelles

As a multicultural university with one third of students and researchers from abroad, international relations is a daily reality for the Université libre de Bruxelles, just like the city of Brussels itself, one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities.
Its outward-looking position with regard to Europe and the world has resulted in a number of agreements, collaborations and special partnerships being set up with some of the world’s top universities.

The Université libre de Bruxelles has 12 faculties that cover all the disciplines, closely combining academic input and research. It offers almost 40 undergraduate programmes and 250 graduate programmes (among them 23 Masters fully taught in English) . One of the University’s main aims is to give its students a solid foundation in critical thinking as well as a taste for research, while at the same time catering to the needs of new publics.

By choosing Université libre de Bruxelles for Semester 3, you will join the advanced LL.M in Public International Law program taught in Brussels, at the heart of Europe.

Special emphasis is placed on the practice of international law through exercises and mock trials where you knowledge and advocacy skills will be put to use. In addition, the courses take the form of interactive seminars, ex cathedra lessons and practical exercises in small groups, which allow you to develop a close academic collaboration with the members of the Centre de droit international (the Centre).

You will have access to the various resources of the Centre as well as to the wide expertise of its members (international humanitarian law; jus contra bellum; general public international law; law of international organisations; human rights). You also will benefit from the organisation of various events and activities such as seminars and colloquiums on issues relating to global security and conflicts. The Centre is closely linked to the Belgian society of international law which brings together experts on public international law from all Belgian Universities. 



Applications for ILGSPD are now open. You can apply as an Erasmus Mundus scholarship-funded student or as a self-funded student.
